The interface and dialogue between business and politics

Business is increasingly trying to have a say in politics and to help shape it. In order to act politically in the various sectors of the economy, various interest groups have been formed. These groups can be companies, institutions, churches or political media.

Management task communication: Success through public affairs

Successful lobbying requires a well-founded and realizable interest on the part of politicians and society, companies and/or institutions. Furthermore, successful lobbying requires trust, especially on the political side. Public affairs take place between society and politics within the framework of discussions, negotiations or events

Case Study: 9th Qatar-Germany Business & Investment Forum

The ninth edition of the Qatar-Germany Business and Investment Forum took place in Berlin from 6 – 7th September 2018. As hosts, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Emir of Qatar received about 1,000 high-ranking guests in Berlin.

Future trends in the transformation of society

Will digitalisation make life better and people happier? Will fears about the future develop? How will relationships change? Will friendship become more important or is the partner more important? Will lack of contact lead to mass solitude?

Podcast BeraterTalk: Public Affairs – What is that?

Mit Herrn Jürgen Klimke beschäftigte sich Karsten Pape in der zehnten Folge des BeraterTalks mit dem Thema „Public Affairs“. PA bezeichnet das strategische Management von Entscheidungsprozesssen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. „Public Affairs-Agenturen unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, die richtige Ansprechpartner in Regierung, Behör- den und Parteien zu identifizieren, sie helfen bei der Konzipierung von Kampagnen, sie übernehmen das Monitoring, also die dauerhafte Überwachung politischer Prozesse.