Management task communication: Success through public affairs
Participation in political discourse requires communicative competence. Successful lobbying requires a well-founded and realizable interest on the part of politicians and society, companies and/or institutions. Furthermore, successful lobbying requires trust, especially on the political side. Public affairs take place between society and politics within the framework of discussions, negotiations or events.
Public Affairs not only when problems have to be solved
Often, many companies are not even aware of the advantages of public affairs. Only when all other resources such as marketing or PR have been used up do companies start to look at the versatile possibilities offered by PA. At this point, the problems have usually already arisen. However, it still remains the rule that companies do not recognize the necessity for public affairs until there are already problems and the standard means of marketing or the public relations department have been exhausted. However, public affairs can be essential for long-term and sustainable communication. Through public affairs, companies or associations can communicate their interests right from the start of structural changes. However, communication must take place immediately and not after the problem has been known for a long time.
For companies, this communication strategy tool means that they can directly represent their interests in new regulations, ordinances or laws. Be it in the regional ministries, in the political parties or at federal level – communication is essential here. Public affairs thus act at the interface between the public and politics.
Public affairs is not black magic
Public affairs is not black magic, but a mostly political communication tool. Public affairs are similar to PR work, but must be distinguished from it. PA gives companies the opportunity to assert their interests from the outset in the event of structural changes or new laws, ordinances and regulations. The goal is a uniform solution that is satisfactory both for the social and economic level as well as on the part of politics. Politicians also benefit immensely from this type of communication. A lack of expertise in all kinds of subject areas can be supplemented and decision-making processes simplified and improved.